
Three Methods to Help Quickly Destress

Yoga. Young woman practicing yoga or dancing or stretching in nature at park. Health lifestyle concept.

     Are you stressed right now? Because 78 out of every 100 people are, so you are not alone. As we start the new school year, and we begin to find ourselves back in the rush of school life, here are 3 ways you can easily destress and relax. 


  1. Breathing Exercises 
    1. Breathing Exercises help reduce stress, lower your heart rate, lower your blood pressure, and they help you better regulate your body’s reaction to stress and fatigue. Breathing is your most useful tool when trying to fight stress. There are many simple and effective methods like the 4 7 8 breathing method. You breathe in for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 7 seconds, and exhale for 8 seconds. 
  2. Meditation
    1. Meditation is another useful tool you can use when trying to reduce stress. Meditation is a tool that has been used for centuries if not thousands of years to help those who practice find peace and clarity of mind. On youtube you have access to thousands of great meditations like these ones linked below:
  3. Yoga/Physical Exercise
    1. As annoying as it can sound, physical exercise or working out is an extremely effective way to reduce stress. Exercise releases endorphins and helps increase your general mood. But exercise does not have to be exactly what you think. You dont have to run, or bike, or use the elliptical instead you can make exercise more fun. Try yoga or pilates, two effective ways to release endorphins. Like meditation you have access to a wide variety of yoga and pilates on youtube. Try one of these few linked below:


     Try one of these 3 methods listed above to help reduce stress if you are feeling the need. As we go into these first months of school things are going to be stressful but remember that there are some things you can do. Goodluck!