Let’s face it. We all know the 2025 Advisory Valentine’s Day Video Contest was rigged. And here I am to serve justice. Below are my personal favorites and why they really stand out:
The Gropp Advisory
This one made me giggle the most. The use of AI was a timely and innovative approach to this classic WT tradition. Many may argue that using AI is cheating, but I believe the deep thinkers of the Gropp advisory had other plans — to satirize AI and diminish its power in our increasingly AI-dependent world. The personal touch with each advisory member’s “special skill” was especially darling. WELL DONE. 10/10
The Horton Hornets
I truly found this video to be beautifully edited and executed. I felt like I was in a stereotypical movie about high school and I loved every second of it. My favorite part was either when Avery was kicking his feet on a table in the Willis Room or Dr. Hotron’s passionate performance where she gave it her ALL. I also fairly enjoyed the AI voice at the end! My only critique is that I wish it were longer… 9.8/10
The Buehler Advisory
This was amazing. The singing, the dancing, the interdisciplinary involvement. WOWEEE!! My only critique is…where are all the students? They’re there, but the main attraction is Ms. Buehler and Mr. Klimas. In a way, it felt like that middle school project that was way better than everyone else’s but it’s because the kid’s parents did it for them. WHAT!?!?! Maybe the Buehler advisory is just that good and I’m a sore loser. I did enjoy this though, and do think it was technically the best one. 8.5/10
The Sickler Advisory
Dare I say, the most creative video?!?! The highly believable concept of Mrs. Sickler writing her name on everyone’s secret “cupid” was so gosh-darn good. This video left me grinning widely and filled with contagious laughter. I do wonder though, how much of this idea was truly the advisory’s or Mrs. Sickler’s? I imagine a power-hungry advisor telling scared freshmen “No this is how we always do it.” But maybe that’s just because the video was so convincing of Mrs. Sickler’s alter ego. Anyway, the acting wasn’t terrible. 8/10
The Cerniglia Advisory
This was very cute. I loved the love ad idea. It felt very student-made (unlike some others…). However, the end did show that it had been screen recorded on an iPhone, so that made the quality a little iffy, but did invoke laughter when premiered at morning meeting. #veryendearing 7/10
All in all, these videos were definitely a step up from last year. I laughed. I cried. I smiled. I screamed. These were beautiful and I hope they only get better. It’s clear to me now, that WT is full of love and that THE DR. ANDY ADVISORY RIGGED THIS ELECTION!!!!
(Definitely Not) Mrs. Sickler • Mar 24, 2025 at 9:44 am
Actually though, that isn’t too far off from how Mrs. Sickler made her advisory do the video…
drandy advisory defender • Mar 16, 2025 at 6:29 pm
erm actually drandy advisory didn’t cheat!
Tickle monster • Mar 16, 2025 at 5:15 pm
Where is miller